Islander Echoes

I can hear you from hear - Digital photogrpahy/illustration, Becka Viau 2013

I Can Hear You From Hear – digital photography/illustration, Becka Viau 2013

Throughout November, December and January 2013/2014 I was awarded a creative residency opportunity from the Atlantic Public Art Funders – where I  lived, researched and created in Saint John’s Newfoundland.

I traveled between Prince Edward Island and NFLD during this time period because of the Season and family obligations. Due to this happenstance I was faced with this distinct feeling of “inbetweeness”… As if I was caught within an echo.

Please visit the website – Islander Echoes – I created to document and record my activity throughout this residency.

* I would like to thank the following provincial arts councils for their dedication and contribution to this residency opportunity:
